
0 rows


Course completion criteria


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id BIGINT 19 null
course BIGINT 19 0 course_completion_criteria_erd_course_idR
criteriatype BIGINT 19 0

Type of criteria

module VARCHAR 100 null

Type of module (if using module criteria type)

moduleinstance BIGINT 19 null

Course module id (if using module criteria type)

courseinstance BIGINT 19 null

Course instance id (if using course criteria type)

enrolperiod BIGINT 19 null

Number of days after enrolment the course is completed (if using enrolperiod criteria type)

timeend BIGINT 19 null

Timestamp of the date for course completion (if using date criteria type)

gradepass DECIMAL 10,5 null

The minimum grade needed to pass the course (if passing grade criteria enabled)

role BIGINT 19 null


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
PRIMARY Primary key Asc id
courcompcrit_cou_ix Performance Asc course
