
0 rows


The settings for each quiz. For reports see https://docs.moodle.org/en/ad-hoc_contributed_reports#Quiz_Activity


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id BIGINT 19 null
quiz_attempts.quiz quizatte_qui2_fkR
quiz_feedback.quizid quizfeed_qui2_fkR
quiz_grade_items.quizid quizgraditem_qui2_fkR
quiz_grades.quiz quizgrad_qui2_fkR
quiz_overrides.quiz quizover_qui2_fkR
quiz_sections.quizid quizsect_qui2_fkR
quiz_slots.quizid quizslot_qui3_fkR
quizaccess_seb_quizsettings.quizid quizsebquiz_qui_fkR

Standard Moodle primary key.

course BIGINT 19 0

Foreign key reference to the course this quiz is part of.

name VARCHAR 255

Quiz name.

intro LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Quiz introduction text.

introformat SMALLINT 5 0

Quiz intro text format.

timeopen BIGINT 19 0

The time when this quiz opens. (0 = no restriction.)

timeclose BIGINT 19 0

The time when this quiz closes. (0 = no restriction.)

timelimit BIGINT 19 0

The time limit for quiz attempts, in seconds.

overduehandling VARCHAR 16 autoabandon

The method used to handle overdue attempts. 'autosubmit', 'graceperiod' or 'autoabandon'.

graceperiod BIGINT 19 0

The amount of time (in seconds) after the time limit runs out during which attempts can still be submitted, if overduehandling is set to allow it.

preferredbehaviour VARCHAR 32

The behaviour to ask questions to use.

canredoquestions SMALLINT 5 0

Allows students to redo any completed question within a quiz attempt.

attempts MEDIUMINT 7 0

The maximum number of attempts a student is allowed.

attemptonlast SMALLINT 5 0

Whether subsequent attempts start from the answer to the previous attempt (1) or start blank (0).

grademethod SMALLINT 5 1


decimalpoints SMALLINT 5 2

Number of decimal points to use when displaying grades.

questiondecimalpoints SMALLINT 5 -1

Number of decimal points to use when displaying question grades. (-1 means use decimalpoints.)

reviewattempt MEDIUMINT 7 0

Whether users are allowed to review their quiz attempts at various times. This is a bit field, decoded by the mod_quizquestiondisplay_options class. It is formed by ORing together the constants defined there.

reviewcorrectness MEDIUMINT 7 0

Whether users are allowed to review the correctness of the questions in their quiz attempts at various times. A bit field, like reviewattempt.

reviewmaxmarks MEDIUMINT 7 0

Works with reviewmarks to control whether users can see grades at various times. 0 here means no grade information is shown at all. If 1, student can see the number of marks available for this question, and reviewmarks applies. A bit field, like reviewattempt.

reviewmarks MEDIUMINT 7 0

Works with reviewmaxmarks to control whether users can see grades at various times. If reviewmaxmarks is 1, then this controls whether students can see the the mark they got for the question, in addition to the max. A bit field, like reviewattempt.

reviewspecificfeedback MEDIUMINT 7 0

Whether users are allowed to see the specific feedback in their quiz attempts. A bit field, like reviewattempt.

reviewgeneralfeedback MEDIUMINT 7 0

Whether users are allowed to see the general feedback in their quiz attempts. A bit field, like reviewattempt.

reviewrightanswer MEDIUMINT 7 0

Whether users are allowed to see the right answer in their quiz attempts. A bit field, like reviewattempt.

reviewoverallfeedback MEDIUMINT 7 0

Whether users are allowed to see the overall feedback in their quiz attempts. A bit field, like reviewattempt.

questionsperpage BIGINT 19 0

How often to insert a page break when editing the quiz, or when shuffling the question order.

navmethod VARCHAR 16 free

Any constraints on how the user is allowed to navigate around the quiz. Currently recognised values are 'free' and 'seq'.

shuffleanswers SMALLINT 5 0

Whether the parts of the question should be shuffled, in those question types that support it.

sumgrades DECIMAL 10,5 0.00000

The total of all the question instance maxmarks.

grade DECIMAL 10,5 0.00000

The total that the quiz overall grade is scaled to be out of.

timecreated BIGINT 19 0

The time when the quiz was added to the course.

timemodified BIGINT 19 0

Last modified time.

password VARCHAR 255

A password that the student must enter before starting or continuing a quiz attempt.

subnet VARCHAR 255

Used to restrict the IP addresses from which this quiz can be attempted. The format is as requried by the address_in_subnet function.

browsersecurity VARCHAR 32

Restriciton on the browser the student must use. E.g. 'securewindow'.

delay1 BIGINT 19 0

Delay that must be left between the first and second attempt, in seconds.

delay2 BIGINT 19 0

Delay that must be left between the second and subsequent attempt, in seconds.

showuserpicture SMALLINT 5 0

Option to show the user's picture during the attempt and on the review page.

showblocks SMALLINT 5 0

Whether blocks should be shown on the attempt.php and review.php pages.

completionattemptsexhausted BIT 1 0

complete after available attempts exhausted

completionminattempts BIGINT 19 0

complete after minimum number of attempts

allowofflineattempts BIT 1 0

Whether to allow the quiz to be attempted offline in the mobile app


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
PRIMARY Primary key Asc id
quiz_cou_ix Performance Asc course
