
0 rows


List of adhoc tasks waiting to run.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id BIGINT 19 null
component VARCHAR 255

The component that triggered this adhoc task.

classname VARCHAR 255

The name of the class extending adhoc_task to run when this task is executed.

nextruntime BIGINT 19 null
faildelay BIGINT 19 null
customdata LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Custom data to be passed to the adhoc task. Must be serialisable using json_encode()

userid BIGINT 19 null
user.id taskadho_use2_fkR
timecreated BIGINT 19 0

Timestamp of adhoc task creation

timestarted BIGINT 19 null

Time when the task was started

hostname VARCHAR 255 null

Hostname where the task is running

pid BIGINT 19 null

PHP process ID that is running the task

attemptsavailable TINYINT 3 null

The remaining attempts for this task

firststartingtime BIGINT 19 null

The start time of the first run of the task


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
PRIMARY Primary key Asc id
taskadho_nex_ix Performance Asc nextruntime
taskadho_tim_ix Performance Asc timestarted
taskadho_use_ix Performance Asc userid
