
0 rows


Stores the question used in a quiz, with the order, and for each question, which page it appears on, and the maximum mark (weight).


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id BIGINT 19 null
slot BIGINT 19 null

Where this question comes in order in the list of questions in this quiz. Like question_attempts.slot.

quizid BIGINT 19 0
quiz.id quizslot_qui3_fkR

Foreign key references quiz.id.

page BIGINT 19 null

The page number that this questions appears on. If the question in slot n appears on page p, then the question in slot n+1 must appear on page p or p+1. Well, except that when a quiz is being created, there may be empty pages, which would cause the page number to jump here.

displaynumber VARCHAR 16 null

Stores customised question number such as 1.2, A1, B12. If this is null, the default number is used.

requireprevious SMALLINT 5 0

Set to 1 when current question requires previous one to be answered first.

maxmark DECIMAL 12,7 0.0000000

How many marks this question contributes to quiz.sumgrades.

quizgradeitemid BIGINT 19 null
quiz_grade_items.id quizslot_qui4_fkR

If the quiz suports multiple sub-grades, which one this slot contributes, if any.


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
PRIMARY Primary key Asc id
quizslot_qui2_ix Performance Asc quizgradeitemid
quizslot_qui_ix Performance Asc quizid
quizslot_quislo_uix Must be unique Asc/Asc quizid + slot
