
0 rows


Stores one step in in a question attempt. As well as the data here, the step will have some data in the question_attempt_step_data table.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id BIGINT 19 null
question_attempt_step_data.attemptstepid quesattestepdata_att2_fkR
questionattemptid BIGINT 19 null quesattestep_que2_fkR

Foreign key, references

sequencenumber BIGINT 19 null

Numbers the steps in a question attempt sequentially from 0.

state VARCHAR 13

One of the constants defined by the question_state class, giving the state of the question at the end of this step.

fraction DECIMAL 12,7 null

The grade for this question, when graded out of 1. Needs to be multiplied by question_attempt.maxmark to get the actual mark for the question.

timecreated BIGINT 19 null

Time-stamp of the action that lead to this state being created.

userid BIGINT 19 null quesattestep_use2_fkR

The user whose action lead to this state being created.


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
PRIMARY Primary key Asc id
quesattestep_que_ix Performance Asc questionattemptid
quesattestep_queseq_uix Must be unique Asc/Asc questionattemptid + sequencenumber
quesattestep_use_ix Performance Asc userid
