Column | Type | Size | Nulls | Auto | Default | Children | Parents | Comments | ||||||||||||||||
id | BIGINT | 19 | √ | null |
timecreated | BIGINT | 19 | null |
Time this record was created. |
timemodified | BIGINT | 19 | null |
Time this record was modified. |
usermodified | BIGINT | 19 | null |
The user who modified this record |
name | VARCHAR | 255 |
The name of this identity issuer |
image | LONGTEXT | 2147483647 | null |
baseurl | LONGTEXT | 2147483647 | null |
The base url to the issuer |
clientid | LONGTEXT | 2147483647 | null |
The client id used to connect to this oauth2 service. |
clientsecret | LONGTEXT | 2147483647 | null |
The secret used to connect to this oauth2 service. |
loginscopes | LONGTEXT | 2147483647 | null |
The scopes requested for a normal login attempt. |
loginscopesoffline | LONGTEXT | 2147483647 | null |
The scopes requested for a login attempt to generate a refresh token. |
loginparams | LONGTEXT | 2147483647 | null |
Additional parameters sent for a login attempt. |
loginparamsoffline | LONGTEXT | 2147483647 | null |
Additional parameters sent for a login attempt to generate a refresh token. |
alloweddomains | LONGTEXT | 2147483647 | null |
Allowed domains for this issuer. |
scopessupported | LONGTEXT | 2147483647 | √ | null |
The list of scopes this service supports. |
enabled | TINYINT | 3 | 1 |
showonloginpage | TINYINT | 3 | 1 |
basicauth | TINYINT | 3 | 0 |
Use HTTP Basic authentication scheme when sending client ID and password |
sortorder | BIGINT | 19 | null |
The defined sort order. |
requireconfirmation | TINYINT | 3 | 1 |
servicetype | VARCHAR | 255 | √ | null |
Issuer service type, such as 'google' or 'facebook'. |
loginpagename | VARCHAR | 255 | √ | null |
Constraint Name | Type | Sort | Column(s) |
PRIMARY | Primary key | Asc | id |