
0 rows


Stores the quiz level Safe Exam Browser configuration.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id BIGINT 19 null
quizid BIGINT 19 null
quiz.id quizsebquiz_qui_fkR

Foreign key to quiz id.

cmid BIGINT 19 null
course_modules.id quizsebquiz_cmi_fkR

Foreign key to course module id.

templateid BIGINT 19 null
quizaccess_seb_template.id quizsebquiz_tem2_fkR

Foreign key to quizaccess_seb_template.id.

requiresafeexambrowser BIT 1 null

Bool whether to require SEB.

showsebtaskbar BIT 1 null

Bool to show SEB task bar

showwificontrol BIT 1 null

Bool to allow user to control networking.

showreloadbutton BIT 1 null

Bool to show reload button.

showtime BIT 1 null

Bool to show the clock.

showkeyboardlayout BIT 1 null

Bool to show keyboard layout.

allowuserquitseb BIT 1 null

Bool to show quit button.

quitpassword LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Quit password to exit SEB.

linkquitseb LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Link to exit SEB.

userconfirmquit BIT 1 null

Bool whether confirm quit popup should appear.

enableaudiocontrol BIT 1 null

Bool to show volume and audio controls.

muteonstartup BIT 1 null

Bool whether browser starts muted.

allowspellchecking BIT 1 null

Bool whether spell checking will happen in SEB.

allowreloadinexam BIT 1 null

Bool whether user can reload.

activateurlfiltering BIT 1 null

Bool whether URLs will be filtered.

filterembeddedcontent BIT 1 null

Bool wither embedded content will be filtered

expressionsallowed LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Comma or newline separated list of allowed expressions

regexallowed LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Regex of allowed URLs

expressionsblocked LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Comma or newline separated list of blocked expressions

regexblocked LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Regex of blocked URLs

allowedbrowserexamkeys LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

List of allowed browser exam keys.

showsebdownloadlink BIT 1 null

Bool whether SEB download link should appear

usermodified BIGINT 19 0
user.id quizsebquiz_use2_fkR
timecreated BIGINT 19 0
timemodified BIGINT 19 0


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
PRIMARY Primary key Asc id
quizsebquiz_cmi2_uix Must be unique Asc cmid
quizsebquiz_qui2_uix Must be unique Asc quizid
quizsebquiz_tem2_ix Performance Asc templateid
quizsebquiz_use2_ix Performance Asc usermodified
