Column | Type | Size | Nulls | Auto | Default | Children | Parents | Comments |
id | BIGINT | 19 | √ | null |
hashcode | VARCHAR | 40 |
sha1 hash of serialized qubaids_condition class. Unique for every combination of class name and property. |
whichattempts | SMALLINT | 5 | null |
bool used to indicate whether these stats are for all attempts or just for the first. |
timemodified | BIGINT | 19 | null |
firstattemptscount | BIGINT | 19 | null |
highestattemptscount | BIGINT | 19 | null |
lastattemptscount | BIGINT | 19 | null |
allattemptscount | BIGINT | 19 | null |
firstattemptsavg | DECIMAL | 15,5 | √ | null |
highestattemptsavg | DECIMAL | 15,5 | √ | null |
lastattemptsavg | DECIMAL | 15,5 | √ | null |
allattemptsavg | DECIMAL | 15,5 | √ | null |
median | DECIMAL | 15,5 | √ | null |
standarddeviation | DECIMAL | 15,5 | √ | null |
skewness | DECIMAL | 15,10 | √ | null |
kurtosis | DECIMAL | 15,5 | √ | null |
cic | DECIMAL | 15,10 | √ | null |
errorratio | DECIMAL | 15,10 | √ | null |
standarderror | DECIMAL | 15,10 | √ | null |
Constraint Name | Type | Sort | Column(s) |
PRIMARY | Primary key | Asc | id |
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