
0 rows


Keeps the per course content analysis schedule.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id BIGINT 19 null
contextlevel BIGINT 19 50

The context level for this item. Defaults to CONTEXT_COURSE.

instanceid BIGINT 19 null

The id of the specific context instance. Course id for courses.

contextid BIGINT 19 null Implied ConstraintR

Id of the specific context record.

status TINYINT 3 0

The schedule status for this item. 0 = not requested; 1 = requested; 2 = analyzed.

timeanalyzed BIGINT 19 0

The most recent time the item was analyzed by scheduler.

timemodified BIGINT 19 0

Time stamp of the last record update.


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
PRIMARY Primary key Asc id
toolbricsche_conins2_uix Must be unique Asc/Asc contextlevel + instanceid
toolbricsche_sta2_ix Performance Asc status
