
0 rows


Extra options for essay questions.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id BIGINT 19 null
questionid BIGINT 19 null
question.id qtypessaopti_que_fkR

Foreign key linking to the question table.

responseformat VARCHAR 16 editor

The type of input area students should be given for their response.

responserequired TINYINT 3 1

Nonzero if an online text response is optional

responsefieldlines SMALLINT 5 15

Approximate height, in lines, of the input box the students should be given for their response.

minwordlimit BIGINT 19 null

Minimum number of words

maxwordlimit BIGINT 19 null

Maximum number of words

attachments SMALLINT 5 0

Whether, and how many, attachments a student is allowed to include with their response. -1 means unlimited.

attachmentsrequired SMALLINT 5 0

The number of attachments that should be required

graderinfo LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Information shown to people with permission to manually grade the question, when they are grading.

graderinfoformat SMALLINT 5 0

The text format for graderinfo.

responsetemplate LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

The template to pre-populate student’s response field during attempt.

responsetemplateformat SMALLINT 5 0

The text format for responsetemplate.

maxbytes BIGINT 19 0

Maximum size of attached files in bytes.

filetypeslist LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

What attachment file type a student is allowed to include with their response. * or empty means unlimited.


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
PRIMARY Primary key Asc id
qtypessaopti_que_uix Must be unique Asc questionid
